"Autism & Memoirs of an Old Maid"…C'hele's Story

May 14, 2007

The Quickening

Filed under: short stories — C'hele @ 17:05

Stars intensely glowed from a deep, jet-black, backdrop. As I drove my car through the obsidian coloured veil in a heavily forested area, I was suddenly startled by a flash in the sky to my right. Sharply pulling the car over onto a pull-out, I took note of the deep, peaceful stillness and silence that suddenly surrounded me. Looking upwards into the night sky, I was astounded to witness the heavens open up and release a most wondrous spectacle; a reflection nebula in the shape of five-pointed star. Staring up into the sky, I was in awe of the softly-coiling, bluish-white light that swirled and radiated all around the form. I queried to myself; is this what the Three Kings of Orient saw, as they trudged through many lands in their search for the Christ Child? Or have I been allowed to witness a vision? Am I viewing a reflection of my own parallel universe? Running back to the car, I retrieve my camera and went to back to take a picture. Upon taking a snap-shot of this magnificent scene, the energy abruptly shifted threateningly around me. Suddenly feeling like a doe would upon encountering a hunter in the forest, I slowly turned around. There, in the shadows to the left of me, a silhouette of a man stood, ominously clearing his throat. Doubtful and uncertain, I wondered; would I, could I, run and reach the car first before he did?


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